Educating the next generation has to be key to everything we do. After all, it's the generations to come, who will inherit the earth! So it makes perfect sense for us to do what we can - today, to prepare our youngsters to cope with what lies ahead. With this in mind a dedicated group of people are taking that idea and running with it:
JOINED UP THINKING " a Community Interest Company that empowers young people in a variety of ways, to be the best they can regardless of race, culture or gender."
Today, their attention is focused on "ORGAN DONATION: A Conversation Young People Need to Have". A seminar hosted at The Triangle Centre, Tottenham. Open to all who were interested to learn from and put questions to a panel made up of people who are going through, or have already experienced Organ Donation, directly or otherwise. Along with experts on the subject.
What was nice to see when I arrived at the venue, was a room full of people! A mix of families, young people and old. All coming together for a common purpose. It was also positive to see plenty of young ambassadors taking the lead and driving the conversation. The young people in the audience were open to asking questions of the panel, I felt they were truly engaged and keen to learn. I felt encouraged by what I was witnessing and being a part of.
To ensure the event wasn't a "dry" boring seminar, the organisers had arranged for a DJ, singers and poetry to be read. I felt they were a welcome break from what can be a very necessary but heavy topic to discuss. After all, we were there to talk about life-saving choices we all need to face up to in the short, medium and long-term.
When I think about the changes taking place next year, I appreciate the law is changing, but that doesn't mean we can rest on our laurels and wait for the Government to do everything - it's upon US to be proactive within our communities, to educate and inform ahead of time.
Something that surprised me from the day is a realisation that a majority of the young people in the room were open and accepting of the need for organ donation and had they been older would be more willing than some of the older generation - to donate themselves. It's as if they just get it!
Thinking back to when I first saw the event advertised on Twitter, my intention was to be an audience member, one who is still finding her feet on this journey. Learning about the experiences of others and how they've coped with their own challenges. Unfortunately, there weren't any kidney recipient speakers as I'd hoped. From a personal standpoint, I would have liked to be able to take something away to hopefully benefit me in that sense. Shared experiences / commonality.
However, both were liver patients, which meant I got a slightly different perspective, but that's OK because it's important to recognise the umbrella title "organ donation" covers so many areas of the human body and everybody's experience will be different with a degree of cross over.
Prior to the event itself, my goal was to come away having learnt more information to help me on my journey, little did I know I would be giving, more than I took away.
In the preceding days before the event, I was invited to say a few words myself. It's true what people have said to me, we all have a story to tell, we all have knowledge to impart. I was humbled to be able to speak my truth to the younger generation... I may not have all the answers, but I can speak of my own experiences - and I feel there is value in that.
Here are some of the images from the day...

Twitter Searches:
"a conversation young people need to have"
You can also learn more about "Joined Up Thinking" and the fantastic work they're doing from the above link or by clicking HERE


Photo (From left to right):
Santella Austin
cc: @TweetsByBilal @thecloutmaster @FoodForPurpose

You can drop me a message either via Twitter @Naomi_My_Story or HERE I love reading all of your messages of encouragement.
If you are moved by my story and want to get more involved, please consider doing one of the following two things:

1. Registering to become an Organ Donor here: if you do, be sure to let me know!
New registrations give me a boost!

2. If you want to help me directly by being tested to see if you could donate, you will need to be aware of the following:
  • Firstly, I am BLOOD TYPE O-NEGATIVE it's important you know this in advance to be considered for a possible direct donation.
    Failing that, an indirect donation is still a possibility. Please still get in touch using the below...
  • Secondly, please complete THIS FORM and someone will get back to you to move things forward.