In this entry, I want to briefly talk about putting my life on hold, while campaigning to raise organ donation awareness in my own little way...

I think it's easy to forget about trying to live a so-called "normal life" while waiting for the call. I found myself thinking about little else over the last 13 months.

It's important to campaign, but it's also important to live my life as best as I can, because some things can't be put on hold. Both of my children are growing up - fast! My son recently passed his driving test, next he'll be wanting to get a car and doing more of his own thing! While my daughter is developing into a mature, confident young woman day by day. I should be enjoying this time with them both. With my son being the eldest, he requires less attention... I worry about the time I'm not spending with my daughter though.

It's for this reason I decided to take her away for a few weeks. It's been a stressful time for both of us and we need a change of scenery.

"Out of Many, One People"

The quote you'll find on the Coat of Arms for Jamaica...
Our destination of choice for a well deserved break. It was a first for both of us, an opportunity for my daughter to meet more of her father's side of the family. I posted photos on my Instagram account from the vacation, so please check them out if you want to see what a beautiful island it is. Feel free to follow me there too if you like. My ID is the same as Twitter: naomi_my_story.

You can drop me a message either via Twitter @Naomi_My_Story or HERE I love reading all of your messages of encouragement.
If you are moved by my story and want to get more involved, please consider doing one of the following two things:

1. Registering to become an Organ Donor here: if you do, be sure to let me know!
New registrations give me a boost!

2. If you want to help me directly by being tested to see if you could donate, you will need to be aware of the following:
  • Firstly, I am BLOOD TYPE O-NEGATIVE it's important you know this in advance to be considered for a possible direct donation.
    Failing that, an indirect donation is still a possibility. Please still get in touch using the below...
  • Secondly, please complete THIS FORM and someone will get back to you to move things forward.