First post of the day... (28th November)

Stepped out of my friend's first appointment to see if he could be a suitable donor match. He did as requested, filled up the 2 litre bottle+ with urine from the past 24 hours! Gave samples of blood to be tested for blood group, tissue type, anti-bodies and a raft of other things. Blood Pressure checked, Height and Weight checked. He also gave another sample of urine!

The day was packed with information. Both for him and me, to fulfil our respective parts of the process. There were questions at the end of the explanation and literature for him to take away and digest. I can only imagine what's going through his head right now. He spoke one-to-one with the Coordinator to go through medical history, lifestyle etc. Afterwards, he told me he'd shared information about my Blogging efforts and my Twitter account.
All positive steps to help raise awareness, because every conversation is another opportunity to reach out to more people.

From my understanding, efforts are being made to engage the BAME Community, in different, and innovative ways, but as with everything, it takes time, and funding plays its part. But we should be encouraged by examples both in Wales and across the Channel in The Netherlands. We can all learn from the mistakes of others in getting to where we want to be. The wheels are turning, slowly but they're turning.

For now, the focus turns back to the test results waiting game, they'll take a few weeks before we'll know if he's a match or not. I have to manage my expectations. For now, we're all holding our breath for results news. I can't stop, I have to keep being proactive.

You can drop me a message either via Twitter @Naomi_My_Story or HERE I love reading all of your messages of encouragement.
If you are moved by my story and want to get more involved, please consider doing one of the following two things:

1. Registering to become an Organ Donor here: if you do, be sure to let me know!
New registrations give me a boost!

2. If you want to help me directly by being tested to see if you could donate, you will need to be aware of the following:
  • Firstly, I am BLOOD TYPE O-NEGATIVE it's important you know this in advance to be considered for a possible direct donation.
    Failing that, an indirect donation is still a possibility. Please still get in touch using the below...
  • Secondly, please complete THIS FORM and someone will get back to you to move things forward.