Today (3rd April) has been the hardest day of all in my kidney failure journey.
Some truths were told that I found extremely hard to deal with. I won't go into the detail here as it was very much a wake-up call for me to accept a few things (some things need to remain personal - sorry). It made me take a fresh look with clear eyesight at my situation. Doing so, left me feeling emotionally drained, but it's nothing compared to the pain of knowing I come from a large family not willing to support me or others in the Black Community in the same position.
I'm weak and in need, but I don't know how to say "I need a life-saving kidney urgently" in a way you will understand. I thought this was clear enough... I don't know any other way to beg you to save my life.
But instead, you choose to look and smile in my face, maybe offer me a hug and watch my life and energy ebb away.
Instead, you would let fear and miss information permit you to slowly watch me die. Some might view this as being mellow-dramatic. But if we take this to its logical conclusion... I don't think so at all. It's my reality.
A living kidney donor gives me the best chance at recovery to get on with my life, but yet again you'd watch me 'shackled' to dialysis, convincing yourself that this is "good enough for Naomi, she doesn't need my help".
Without a living donor, my only hope is a cadaver donor, which effectively means I'm having to wait for someone to die when the reality is - NO ONE has to die so I can live!
How loud do I need to shout this message?
Family, when are you going to see the bigger picture?
How many lives need to be lost before you wake up to our Community's needs? I mean not to single out family, but this is MY situation, again, it is my reality.
I fight every day to stay brave and healthy for my children. I pray God gives me the strength to carry on until my Organ Transplant call comes. God forbid I pass away before then... So many never received theirs.
Who will love my children when I'm gone? I don't want to focus in this headspace. It's a deep dark spiral which I know can lead to nothing good. I must remain positive. Good things are in my future. One way or another.

You can drop me a message either via Twitter @Naomi_My_Story or HERE I love reading all of your messages of encouragement.
If you are moved by my story and want to get more involved, please consider doing one of the following two things:

1. Registering to become an Organ Donor here: if you do, be sure to let me know!
New registrations give me a boost!

2. If you want to help me directly by being tested to see if you could donate, you will need to be aware of the following:
  • Firstly, I am BLOOD TYPE O-NEGATIVE it's important you know this in advance to be considered for a possible direct donation.
    Failing that, an indirect donation is still a possibility. Please still get in touch using the below...
  • Secondly, please complete THIS FORM and someone will get back to you to move things forward.