
What's Up TV dedicated their 16th series to the plight of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people in need of an Organ Donation in the UK.
It's an opportunity to explore the topic from several viewpoints. Due to air later in the year (Saturday 10th August 2019)! The series will shine a light on the impact Organ Donation has on BAME Communities, in particular, the importance people from BAME Communities can play to improve the current state of affairs. The series will delve into a variety of perspectives:

  • The patient - like myself, waiting for a suitable donor to either:
    • volunteer to step forward, be tested, and if found to be a match, proceed to becoming a living donor (via the living donation process) or
    • be matched with a cadaver, donation after death (deceased donation process).
  • Transplant coordinators - who manage the upfront coordination of each donor's testing, preparation as well as answering any questions they may have about the process.
  • The Surgeons - charged with the task of making it all happen.
  • The Lawmakers - MPs in Parliament committed to addressing current legislation, due to change in Spring 2020 from the current enrolment method of people Opting-In, to an Opt-Out or auto-enrolment.

All of the above groups are key in the Organ Donation/Transplant jigsaw puzzle. Each one, an important piece of the overall picture...

When I think about the NHS Blood and Transplant operation, I marvel at what we have in the UK. Something we should never take for granted because so many other Countries look on in envy at what we have established here. Our National Health Service is full of caring people, each dedicated to the cause of helping others. I know, because in my life before kidney failure, I was a part of that great institution, the NHS Army. I can still remember my Six C's, taught to every NHS Nurse during training: Care, Compassion, Competence, Commitment, Courage and Communication.

As a side note, if you feel as I do about the NHS, why not support it where you can. Protect it where you can. Perhaps start by following NHS Millions on Twitter or Facebook like I do.
Their goal: To create a collective of over 1 million followers made up of people grateful for the NHS and all it stands for. Currently, they have in excess of 615K followers on Twitter. I can't wait for them to hit a million! There needs to be a party when they reach their target 🎉😉

I digress, back to the events of the day... I have so many people to thank for making the day possible. Far too many to list, however, I will highlight a few people I feel went over and above to make it all possible. First and foremost Ronke and the entire ACLT team, my auntie for being moral support, Kirsty for her ever professional interpretation skills and warmth, @ZoeMorrisTV for her patience and coordination before and on the day, not to mention the rest of the What's Up TV team from the day (photos below) they all made it a fun experience for me. @JaxxSheps and of course @TLB1977 for what he was able to do from outside the country!
They all played a part in making the day happen and making me feel special / the centre of attention. I truly felt - as a team - everyone cared about helping me get my story out there. Not something I'm used to, though I will treasure the experience always.
It is hard to explain, they made me feel at ease, gave me the confidence to be myself in front of the camera. There wasn't a moment's awkwardness. The vibe, the energy - all positive! They made me feel like a star!
Every so often, a person or organisation comes along and raises the bar of expectation. Today was one of those days! The What's Up TV team lifted my spirits and raised that bar! They showed me how I should expect to be treated going forward. I may be deaf, but it's not a barrier to telling my story. In their own unique way, they showed true deaf awareness, and that having a disability is not a barrier.

Judge for yourself how well they did... here is the final piece...

To find out more about What's Up TV's programming on the topic of Organ Donation, click HERE (or go here: https://www.whatsuptv.co.uk/single-post/2019/07/11/ORGAN-DONATION-AND-BAME-GROUPS)


You can drop me a message either via Twitter @Naomi_My_Story or HERE I love reading all of your messages of encouragement.
If you are moved by my story and want to get more involved, please consider doing one of the following two things:

1. Registering to become an Organ Donor here: https://www.organdonation.nhs.uk/ if you do, be sure to let me know!
New registrations give me a boost!

2. If you want to help me directly by being tested to see if you could donate, you will need to be aware of the following:
  • Firstly, I am BLOOD TYPE O-NEGATIVE it's important you know this in advance to be considered for a possible direct donation.
    Failing that, an indirect donation is still a possibility. Please still get in touch using the below...
  • Secondly, please complete THIS FORM and someone will get back to you to move things forward.